What is EFT?
EFT is a simple form of acupressure. It is so easy to do that even children can be taught to use it. Don’t believe in acupressure? No problem, you do not have to believe in this technique for it to get results. Many people who come to EFT do so as a last hope option after protracted illness and despair. Quite a few find it after being told that their problem has “no cure” by their medical practitioner. Yet, I have seen lots of results with the people told there was “no cure”. It is important to say here that when a doctor tells you there is “no cure”, what they are saying is, “with the knowledge and experience I have of allopathic medicine, I have never seen anyone get better”. They are telling their truth with the knowledge and experience they have. That knowledge is of allopathic medicine; very few know of EFT.
Although you do not need to believe in EFT for it to work, you do need to tune into “your problem”. I train therapists and have seen even with the most basic of knowledge; many new trainees get phenomenal results, which is testimony to the power of using this type of technique. The human body has an impressive self-healing capacity for both physical and emotional problems. EFT supports the body’s natural healing mechanisms.
How to do EFT
The first thing when using EFT is to identify “the problem”. If you are thinking about something and feel a churning feeling in your stomach, that is “the problem”. Then you need to set up a feedback system so you can monitor your progress. Then you do a round of EFT and at the end of that, re-evaluate “the problem”. Dependent on the feedback, decide your next step. Continue until you get your desired result.
Step 1: Identify the Problem
Ask yourself, “How do I know I have this anxiety problem right now?”
You might be thinking about a possible future conversation with your boss; linked to that thought is a churning feeling in your stomach. Write that down
• Your Thought
• Your Feeling
Step 2: Set up a Feedback System to Monitor Your Progress
Using the above example, identify how intense the physical feeling is right now when you think that thought.
Ask yourself: On a scale from 0-10 what is the current intensity of that feeling. Where ten is the worst this has ever felt, and 0 is no intensity whatsoever. Write that down.
• Your Intensity
Step 3: Do a Round of EFT
There are two parts to a round of EFT. The first part is called the Set-Up; the second consists of the tapping Sequence. Below is a diagram showing the acupoints used in EFT, including instructions.
Tap using gentle percussive tapping on the named acupoint and say the words in speech marks out aloud. The reason the words are spoken out aloud is to help you tune into “the problem”. It avoids the mind straying to other thoughts, for example, “I wonder what I will have for tea tonight”. Avoid any temptation to tap rapidly or forcefully. If you start tapping quickly at the beginning, slow it down. Your system will fall into synchronisation with the slower rhythm, which calms your system.
The set up
Tap gently using your fingertips on the side of your hand as in the diagram.
As you tap, say the following statement:
Side of the Hand Point: “Even though I have this churning feeling in my stomach, I accept I have this feeling.”
Side of the Hand Point: “Even though I have this churning feeling in my stomach, I accept I have this feeling.”
Side of the Hand Point: “Even though I have this churning feeling in my stomach, I accept I have this feeling.”
Tapping Sequence
Top of the Head Point: “This churning feeling in my stomach.”
Eyebrow Point: “When I think of talking to my boss.”
Side of the EyePoint: “This churning feeling in my stomach.”
Under the EyePoint: “When I think of talking to my boss.”
Under the Nose Point: “This churning feeling in my stomach.”
Chin Point: “When I think of talking to my boss.”
Collarbone Point: “This churning feeling in my stomach.”
Under the Arm Point: “When I think of talking to my boss.”
Step 4: Re-Evaluate “the Problem”
You have now completed a round of EFT. Re-evaluate the intensity of your original problem.
“Now, when you think of talking to the boss, what is the intensity of that feeling now?
Is the intensity lower, changed (different feeling), higher or not changed at all. If it is a lower intensity, do more rounds of EFT until you get to zero or as low as it will go.
If the feeling changes to a new sensation or feeling, retarget your words and do rounds of EFT on the new or changed sensations. In this example, your initial feeling is a churning feeling in your stomach; after a round of EFT, it might change to a nauseous feeling or butterfly feeling etc. The feeling may even stay the same but change location. It might initially be in the lower stomach and then move up to the top of the stomach. Modify your words to tune into the new feeling, which in this case might be, “this butterfly feeling at the top of my stomach”, “When I think of talking to my boss.”
If it goes up in intensity, keep tapping, EFT is very good at uncovering deep underlying roots. When the roots of our emotions come into the light of consciousness, you should keep tapping to support your mind/ body system, processing out whatever emerges. Always remember that if the intensity does increase, you have an opportunity to clear something that would have been impacting you on both a physical and mental level, even if you were not aware of it. I have seen many people clear some big things when this occurs.
If it does not change, you make no progress, it is best to seek the help of a therapist who can help you find the reason for that. EFT only works if you are tapping on the right thing. Although it may seem as if you are tapping on the right thing, there can be hidden factors that a therapist should quickly help you find.
Also, if you don’t notice an improvement, remember EFT works by tuning into your problem. If whilst you are tapping, you are thinking, “Is this working?” “Am I doing this right?”, you will be blocking your progress. Make sure you are just saying the words related to the problem and avoid analysing or judging what you are doing.
Final Words
In life persistence is the key to success. This is the same when using EFT. Hope you enjoy using the tapping to empower yourself.
Tapping Chart Download
You will find a Tapping Chart Download accompanying this article, print it off. It gives simple instructions on one page how to do EFT.